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Drywall Installation Near Denver CO | What Do Drywall Installers Do?

Who Are Drywall Installers? Drywall installers are often a part of a larger drywall company. Local drywall installers are trained to install drywall in preparation for a variety of surfaces to be painted and finished. Walls, ceilings, and other features in homes and commercial buildings are often comprised of drywall (also referred to as plasterboard, wallboard, sheetrock, and gypsum board) for a sturdy and safe structure. Drywall installers work with very heavy materials and need to be precise during the drywall hanging process. When looking for a local drywall company, it’s imperative that the drywall installers are licensed and insured…

Popcorn Ceiling Removal Near Denver Colorado | Why Homeowners Today Are Removing Popcorn Ceilings (Part 2)

Many homeowners are discovering it’s long past due to get their popcorn ceilings removed. There are many benefits to popcorn ceiling removal. Part 1 of this blog series noted that getting professional popcorn ceiling removal services safely and professionally repairs damage, minimizes dust in the home, and promotes a more modern atmosphere. Here are 3 more benefits to getting popcorn ceiling removal services: Popcorn Ceiling Removal Near Denver Colorado Halt Discoloration Over time, popcorn ceilings are especially susceptible to discoloration. Stains from smoke (from things like indoor smoking & cooking up meals), water damage, and even mold are all causes…

Popcorn Ceiling Removal Near Denver CO | Why Homeowners Today Are Removing Popcorn Ceilings (Part 1)

Popcorn ceilings used to be popular back in the 1970s. People enjoyed popcorn ceilings because they can discreetly conceal damages and imperfections while adding texture to an area. Popcorn ceilings are also easier to spray compared to perfectly leveling off drywall so there aren’t any imperfections glaringly apparent. However, there are many downsides to popcorn ceilings, which is why so many homeowners in modern times are getting popcorn ceiling removal services. Here are 3 reasons why it’s a good idea to remove your popcorn ceilings: Popcorn Ceiling Removal Near Denver CO Major Dust Collectors Unfortunately, a major downfall of popcorn…

Drywall Contractors Near Denver Colorado | A Guide to the Levels of Drywall Finishes

Each step of the drywall process is important for ensuring quality and durable final results. We believe the drywall finishing process is important whether it’s in your attic or in your well-lit living room. At Home Drywall & Painting, we ensure every level is completed the right way from start to finish. Here, we’ll explore each level of drywall finishes and where they are most suitable in your home.  Drywall Contractors Near Denver Colorado Level 0 This level is used for temporary construction purposes, and/or when the final decoration is not yet known. It requires no drywall taping, drywall finishing,…

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