There are a number of factors that exterior painters consider when preparing to start an exterior paint job. One of the major things to keep in mind is the outdoor elements. Weather definitely plays a huge part in the success of a paint job, and exterior painters know that it’s important to work around the elements that can hinder the results you’re looking for. Part 1 of this blog series noted the importance of painting in mild temperatures to help the paint adhere most optimally. Here, discover 3 more ways the weather can impact painting conditions: Painting Contractor In Minnetonka MN
It’s important to paint in conditions that aren’t overly windy. Wind not only is an annoyance, but it can cause accidental spills and other messes like drop cloths flapping around or flying away. Moreover, wind can cause dangerous situations for painters, especially for painters working on ladders and in high areas. In terms of the paint itself, wind can cause the paint to dry unevenly or more quickly than it should, which impacts the look of the paint as well as how it adheres to the surfaces. In addition to these factors, consider the amount of debris that can be blown around into the paint, sticking to the paint and drying to your surfaces. This contributes to a look that’s haphazard and unprofessional. It’s best to avoid overly windy conditions altogether.
Unfortunately, rainy conditions can completely wreck an exterior paint job. Every once in a great while, rain clouds can unexpectedly appear out of nowhere. However, weather predictions these days are becoming more and more accurate, and it makes it much easier to plan a good time for outdoor house painting. This is why it’s so important to check the forecast and ensure that the conditions are dry and will remain dry for a period of time after the paint job is complete. Precipitation ranging from a light mist to a heavy downpour can all impact, and completely ruin, your exterior paint job. Ensure there are no storms in your forecast and call your local painting company near Minnetonka MN to schedule your exterior painting job this spring.
Sometimes, inexperienced house painters forget that humidity can have a large impact on the overall paint job. In addition to the temperature, it’s important to check the relative humidity (which is basically the amount of water vapor in the air). If the humidity is too high, this impacts how the paint dries on your exterior. You may find that your paint dries more slowly, streaks, or has drip marks. Ensure you check the weather and the humidity to ensure your paint will properly adhere, and when all is said and done, will look the best that it can.
When you go to start your paint job, always consider the outdoor elements such as the wind, rain, and humidity. Your reputable painting contractors near Minnetonka MN will help you ensure your paint job is done the right way from start to finish, and will consider all of the environmental factors that can impact your exterior paint job. Contact Home Drywall & Painting to get your outdoor painting project started today!
To learn more about our exterior painting services, interior painting services, drywall installation and drywall repair services, feel free to contact your local painting contractor Minnetonka MN at Home Drywall & Painting.
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HOME Drywall & Painting provides excellent quality when it comes to drywall installation and drywall texturing, and is Minnesota’s and Wisconsin’s most trusted name in drywall repair services! We offer exterior painting services and painting touch-ups, drywall services, drywall repairs, ceiling and wall texture, soundproofing, deck staining services, fence staining services, and interior painting services!
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